
Best Fall 2015 Trends

Some of the best fall 2015 trends are grey.

Yes, you read well because I’m referring to all the shades of grey that you can think about (but not Christian Grey… he is off topic :).

fa2b516f2935d92d70e32327a7f90208 d9dfe3b67d52474089651294a32d0eb3 342f8e27b570023acbcf6bfcd8cb7354 8748f8fb50eb428d82d4d6a974feacc5 721b8a18163b73f292f34d3271affff3 1188b62742b4cb14671bacce9852d141 4554add25f9cbf3cff92e53537c0f06a 68efcdd4629355ede53be56d822a858e 36c176616585f4fb5d4234145cc5fd73 27bcb5c0709425f59aa4abd2fab9a219

Other main trends are, of course, beautiful deep colors that are inspired by the season’s annual change like: orange, red, dark green…

92f2d213155e628188599721dba64b80 86ca580a89823244eb895fee589ae628 13d48944842bfda61000ee8741be066e 7ac6a15f6f47c30ad7a91ac38504ef92 9e7e648e78a0d76af534eb8e7d4803e2 4f9eb621fd8815019fb56610892c2dee 6cf5659cd4c9fdfb6c7ce43b3875342e 3e05d7425a68eb387bdb9020194f8801 1d6389d363ddaaee9ab944813c4af043 0cf1e2d7811eeff801f6ef9126f45ecf 183bb9dc616d16e913ccd0ff874dcd2a 7880d578d30c3eda1564306eefd2ab8d 11906d8a649f63f9d2dd45cdf7683f43 3435b02f5cd1262cac41c3399fbf7e22 aed871d17c295e080b5c3575340c9f12 a6c5a8875d2000b82c3670c46ce66a36 a5abce480f31f99511be7eedadb83c08 b0e3daddeae1fa3ea11105903940aa97 d22ab9b2d62eb58b86593af34db21800 db4290cf3c18fd8a1a182d45ea6c535e bea0157dcacb1b720cba6e1312ecfb8d cd42a3d5028752c9035a96d31ca8aa4a b8da89acbc64030ee41e7290bc258fd5 c5f4b8718c0766644ab6fe878d61996d b05f3bfed80779235d253af272b6113d de96b4bcfdea142e71225019ec9cea92

Photo source: Pinterest

Thank you for visiting!



Sci fi Fashion 2015

My sci fi fashion post is not really about science fiction. It is about the fashion of tomorrow.

If in the past years fashion rotated around the past, be prepared! The change is here…
And I’m not talking about the weird and cheap futuristic bullshit, but the real next level fashion of tomorrow.

Enjoy! C. u next time

0a923dd076028c1d9ef9a27ad0695579 3c28f8910237894dc9fd2bdbf2ec432c 3e07863df40b855ea96cd5dee1fdc2d4 4b40535ac47bc873fe1d16080e1aa04d 9fe7fcec68134dc0ef9f25c1c689cb57 38d94d463f915020eb596a8d1dd827e5 44a6dba36cc354dfbc4b7a448e91f806 49bf61a786728cf775819e2384afc803 55bc83ea991d70355c6766922f7e738a 86c207dea3bd510061bdb8f0c8d1932c 96f9ca5a0a814d71714daacd5141c6c9 184a8408652f05da839ed1db1a2ce399

EXCLUSIVE: Olivia Palermo seen wearing a light pink long skirt in Brooklyn,New York Pictured: Olivia Palermo Ref: SPL1084248  210715   EXCLUSIVE Picture by: Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York:	212-619-2666 London:	870-934-2666 photodesk@splashnews.com

775ede294b539939ae4e5c4cfa9f9bd3 942e08605df6c89473d2abfafa2db3f4 8215a5847759e1df0ac3443ca1d74253 78995c58f0600df450dc42d6b6de42b6 229505b50fc02fd601ead83e27eecd03 652247c67aca2a6ceea87b0239628d93 8752619bec969a341a7a3d099b3855f0 a2e1c60756e3f58393f6c08bd16dc333 a60abe03c5e5faea03c9ebe08fc032fd a08634a4638ba1564bf50ce6a35c3ce5 aa660d0bf629c0dd158bc4df2321b865 b2bf282aaf2b47c6b2a692da002bc6ad b3939072ab110c380a4283af91ed8b05 c2822fad97e0900cf39c31454d579d66 d23ea9668e9102bf7d8b145bc809bb19 d784217deb5e77b87e7582d44c6ae921 f5c9fa41110551adc77c70134af00b52 f79a2cf95db266fedd0eae34216c17ec fb824942768a1636c6de39d107793a33 fc127b77c772fec873c09c852367f23e

Photo source: Pinterest.

AUGUST 2014 fashion

Hello people.

After a long absence on my blog, I return with a post about …. my favorite things for the very last beautiful month of the year. It’s a bit sad that the summer is ending. I always think when is August… that the year is over and I get older…just older. But on the other hand, I’ve got some good happy memories about all the places I’ve been these months (maybe this is an idea for a new post).

So with no further blabla… (drum roll) My favorite fashion for August 2014!

0a41cc5e698ccec77a1831b635998b09 5a34eac0c251b7f2a23f5a162ba44d78 5efa4a416a79c53dbd1dfdf4883fb1e4 8d16d95fa383ba859517c968e9282a38 fashion blog for professional women new york city street style work wear 9f864921ee60b5550deb03c8c080d7b8 14e89e210014ab7632a5c8ad353c9e3b 8291563a40ae5b53a2b14bac8758015f 60946857c71c526fb3b01e84ef6b864c d2b66abbe2b1737d284b1394e365ce84 ed1f1acfd190a348612f12f315680576 f696d3e48164641b76050281745f6358 michael-kors-rose-gold-tone-crystal-chronograph-ladies-watch-mk5450-6

Estudio Espana – poveste

In urma aparitiei pe Blogul Alinei Ceusan, m-am decis sa detaliez putin conceptul celui mai drag concept store pentru mirese din Cluj-Napoca, Estudio Espana Romania.




Conceptul Estudio Espana s-a nascut din dorinta Alinei Timaru si a Milei Clares, de a aduce in orasul Cluj-Napoca rochii de mireasa haute couture.

Calitatea materialelor si mai ales arhitectura designului, diferentiaza creatile artistilor spanioli Jesus Peiro, Raimond Bundo, Miquel Suay, Victorio y Lucchino si Inmaculada Garcia de ceilalti creatori prezenti in peisajul local al rochilor de mirese. Colectiile prezente in atelierul Estudio Espana apartin sezonului primavara -vara 2014 si au fost prezentate la Barcelona Fashion Week.

Despre acesti designeri se pot scrie multe insa cel mai important este ca toti au o experienta de peste 10 ani in crearea de rochii de mireasa. Filosofia acestora se refera in special la trairile pe care le simte o viitoare mireasa atunci cand se imbraca pentru prima oara intr-o creatie de-a lor. Raimond Bundo propune o filosofie de viata care se regaseste si in constructia rochiilor create de acest brand, care se materializeaza prin armonia dintre autenticitate si valorile familiei. Jesus Peiro ilustreaza rochia perfecta de mireasa printr-un design aristrocat, ale caror forme sunt evidentiate de liniile sofisticate, iar Victorio y Lucchino este designerul Casei Regale din Spania, imbracand generatii la rand de viitoare printese, cu splendide creatii vestimentare.

Toti acesti designeri sunt publicati in Vogue Espana, iar unele dintre rochiile prezentate pe catwalk la Barcelona Fashion Week, se gasesc pe stoc chiar la atelierul Estudio Espana. Acesta este localizat pe str. Emil Isac, 23, intr-un context liric, unde cele 7 camere fac parte din cladirea memoriala care poarta numele celebrului poet clujean.

Deci nu uitati! Orice vis se implineste dace mergeti in locul potrivit!


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estudio espana



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estudio espana


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estudio espana


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estudio espana


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